Kerbside Recycling

From September 2009 Circular Head Council has introduced a fortnightly kerbside recycling service.  The service is operated by Veolia Environmental Services.  Further information is available by looking at the Rethink Waste Website or by contacting Veolia Environmental Services on 6427 4646.

If you need a replacement recycling bin, please call Council on 6452 4800.

Please find below the fortnightly Kerbside Recycling Calendar.

Urban Recycling and Waste Collection Calendar 2024

Green Waste

No Councils on the North West Coast currently provide green waste collection. The Cradle Coast Waste Management Group (all 9 North West Councils represented) has previously conducted a trial of kerbside green waste collection in Port Sorell based upon the green waste being deposited at Dulverton for composting (this is the lowest cost solution available at present), which proved to be unsuccessful due to contamination issues. The cost of any kerbside green waste collection service provider sifting through the collected waste to remove contamination is very high.  Further investigation is being discussed by the CCWMG.

Why fortnightly collection?

The recycling collection is a regional agreement with the Cradle Coast Authority and to increase this service to weekly would be at significant cost to Council and therefore ratepayers. Alternatively residents can opt in for an additional recycling bin and pay for this as part of your rates. The costs of the service includes the provision of the additional bin. This would still be collected fortnightly. Please contact Council on 6452 4800 if you are interested in being part of this program.

Where else can I recycle?

The White Hills Transfer Station receives recyclables (free of waste and separated into cardboard, glass, aluminium etc.) at no charge. For more information about White Hills click here.

The Recycling Near You website also provides more information on where to take other items you may want to recycle. This information is available at Recycling Near You

Where can I get more information?

The Rethink Waste program encourages the community to rethink what we do with our waste to improve our collective efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle. For more information go to Rethink Waste


A-Z guide to recycling and waste

Kerbside Recycling Dos & Don’ts

Where does it really go?

Recycling Info 1

Recycling Info 2