Circular Head Council has nine Councillors, elected by the community for a term of four years. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor positions are filled by popular vote as part of the election process.
Local Government elections are held by postal ballot conducted by the Tasmanian Electoral Commission (TEC). Voting is compulsory for all electors on the State Electoral Roll. Please visit the TEC website for further information.
The next Council election will be held in October 2026.
Election Caretaker Period Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that:
- Major policy decisions are not made by Council in the lead-up to an election that would prove binding for an incoming Council
- Council resources are not used for the advantage of a candidate in a local government general election
- The requirement to act impartially in relation to all candidates standing for election is clearly understood.
Download the Election Caretaker Period Policy
General Manager's Roll
To vote in a Circular Head Council election, you must be enrolled on either the State Electoral Roll at an address in Circular Head or on the General Manager's Roll for the Circular Head municipal area.
If you are not eligible to enrol on the State Electoral Roll, for example if you are not an Australian Citizen, you may be eligible to enrol as an individual on the General Manager's Roll and vote if you own or occupy property within the Circular Head municipality. Please see the Owner/Occupier enrolment form below.
If you own property in Circular Head but do not reside in the Circular Head municipality you may be eligible to enrol on the General Manager's Roll as an individual. Persons owning property in more than one municipal area can be enroled in each area and vote accordingly. Voting in the elections is not compulsory for electors on the General Manager's roll. Please see the Owner/Occupier enrolment form below.
A Corporate Body which owns or occupies any land in the Circular Head municipal area is entitled to nominate one person to vote on its behalf at local government elections. Please see the Corporate Bodies enrolment form below.
Individuals or Corporate Bodies who have previously enroled on the General Manager's roll are requested to notify Council if your details have changed since the last Local Government election. Neglecting to update your details may result in your ballot paper not reaching you and you not being able to cast your vote.
Standing as a candidate
Whether you are a resident, property owner or business operator, becoming a Local Government Councillor can be the most direct and rewarding way to contribute to your local community.
Standing for election provides you with a great opportunity to influence the future direction of the local community and help those who require support. It can be daunting and time consuming, but also rewarding. Councils are complex and vibrant organisations that require talented and dedicated individuals to participate in making the decisions that count.
The Local Government Association of Tasmania has produced a handbook for candidates called Want a seat at the table?