Circular Head Open Space Strategy

Circular Head Open Space Strategy


Open spaces are places for:

  • Recreational activities
    • Such as running, fishing, playing, informal exercise and connecting with friends and family
  • Reflection
    • Such as siting, watching and remembrance

Open spaces are outdoor areas, usually green spaces, that the community spends time in, as well as any paths or trails.


An Open Space Strategy is a document that provides a vision and strategic direction for future open space planning. The strategy aims to provide goals and long-term plans for open spaces into the future. The values and perspectives of the community, with analytical data, will inform the strategy to ensure the proposed improvements are grounded in the context of the area and achievable.

An Open Space Strategy will include:

  • A basis for decision making about future open space provision and development;
  • An analysis of existing open spaces;
  • An understanding of our underutilised existing space and how to improve the quality of open space experiences; and
  • Identify areas of under-provision of open space and create strategies to acquire new spaces.


Council does not have an overarching plan for future development of the region’s open spaces and the creation of this strategy aims to provide that. Council is aware that the community cares greatly for our recreation spaces and their future, this strategy hopes to create a path forward so Council can provide the spaces and places that the community is wishing for. The strategy will:

  • Identify the current open spaces and how they are used by the community
  • Discover what is needed and wanted in our open spaces
  • Create a process for how we will achieve the future needs and wants of the community


Community consultation will be a major part of the development of this strategy.

You can now fill out our online survey, to provide us with your thoughts and hopes for this strategy.

Online Survey

Stage one: Project Inception

Council engaged Inspiring Place as consultants to produce the Open Space Strategy.

Stage two: Background Information

Information about the existing open space to be gathered and assessed.

Stage three: Community Consultation

The community will be engaged to provide their views, and hopes for the regions open spaces.

Stage four: Issues Paper

An issues paper describing the current state of the open space and any issues it is facing. This will be presented to the Councillors for comment.

Stage five: Draft Strategy

A draft of the strategy will be crafted.

Stage six: Community Comment

The community will be invited to comment on the draft strategy, and their input will shape any changes the strategy requires.

Stage seven: Final Report

The Strategy will be finalised and presented to Council for adoption.