Draft Amendment to LPS for New Scenic Protection Areas

In July 2022, Council adopted the Circular Head Municipality: Scenic Value Assessment and Management Report. The valuable insights from the study and public consultations identified five areas with high scenic value to the municipality. The following actions in the figure below were recommended.


In accordance with provisions under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993, Council is undertaking recommended Action 4, the commencement of the statutory process for an amendment, to include five high scenic value areas into our Local Provisions Schedule (LPS) in the Tasmanian Planning Scheme – Circular Head.

The Draft Amendment was tabled at the October Council Meeting for certification to the Tasmanian Planning Commission. The exhibition period commences 2 November and concludes 1 December 2023

Download the Circular Head Municipality: Scenic Value Assessment and Management Report

Download the Five Scenic Protection Area maps:

  1. Boundary of Stanley Peninsula Scenic Protection Area
  2. Boundary of Area for Marrawah Scenic Protection Plan
  3. Boundary of Coastal Estuaries and Wetlands Scenic Protection Area
  4. Boundary of Circular Head Gateway Corridor Scenic Protection Area
  5. Boundary of Sumac Lookout Scenic Protection Area

The Draft Amendment was publicly exhibited from 2nd November 2023 to 1st December 2023. 540 letters were posted to relevant landowners/occupiers. 15 agencies and State authorities were notified. 31 representations received, including 1 late submission.

Council as a planning authority resolved S.40K report and the Statement of Opinion at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 14 December 2023. Following the endorsement, S.40K, Statement of Opinion, and copies of representation have been provided to the Tasmanian Planning Commission.

The Commission will hold a hearing in April 2024. 14 days prior to the hearing sections, the invitation will be sent to all representators.

All relevant documents regarding the PSA 2023/1 are published on the Commission’s website at AM-CIR-PSA-2023-1 – Tasmanian Planning Commission Website.

Please contact Circular Head Council on (03) 6452 4800 or at council@circularhead.tas.gov.au; or Tasmanian Planning Commission on (03) 6165 6828 or at tpc@planning.tas.gov.au if you have any questions.