Stormwater Rate

Circular Head Council has introduced a stormwater rate for the first time in the 2015/16 financial year to move to a user pays system.

Previously all ratepayers have contributed to the cost of stormwater. This change will mean that only those who are able to access the service are the ones who pay for the service. This is the same approach taken with waste collection.

The stormwater rate is based on the assessed annual value (AAV) of the property, which is the same basis as the general rate and will apply to all rateable land in Smithton and Stanley that is serviced or has the ability to be serviced by stormwater (properties are identified on Council maps available at Council).

Council will be applying the rate in increments over the next three years, at which time the rate will be recovering the costs of the service.

The rate is to continue to improve, maintain and deliver the stormwater service. The infrastructure is underground and has a long life, but will need to be replaced into the future.

If you don’t believe you should have been charged the stormwater rate, please see the attached factsheet, which includes information on how to check if you are connected or are able to connect to the stormwater system.

Once taking these steps and you find that a connection is not possible, please contact Council on 6452 4800.

Please find below fact sheet, which should help answer any further questions you may have.

Stormwater Rate Fact Sheet