16 July 2015

Circular Head General Manager Tony Smart said following discussions with key stakeholders, Council would be undertaking further work before commencing a household survey on the future of a pool in the community.

Council last month said it would undertake a survey to help its decision making around this important asset.

“Following meetings with the Swimming Pool Reference Group and the Circular Head Recreation Advisory Committee it has become clear to Council that the majority of people in the Circular Head community want a pool,” Mr Smart said.

“For this reason, Council has agreed to reconsider the household survey we intended to send out this month, which was to include an option to close the existing facility - an option that will now not be included.”

Mr Smart said both groups also felt it would be better for Council to undertake a further study of the condition of the in-ground infrastructure of the pool before commencing the survey.

“Council was looking to ask the community whether to refurbish the existing facility or rebuild a pool in the survey, however, following our discussions we will now look for a suitable provider to give us an up-to-date assessment of the life expectancy of the pool itself,” Mr Smart said.

“The survey will be put on hold until these matters are finalised to ensure Council has all the information we need to make an informed decision about the future of a pool in our community.”

Mr Smart said he thanked not only members of the Swimming Pool Reference Group and the Circular Head Recreation Advisory Committee, but also the wider community.

“It is essential that we get this process right as the future provision of a pool in Circular Head is one that will last for many generations to come,” Mr Smart said.

“I thank the Circular Head community for their patience and understanding.”

Once quotes are obtained to investigate the condition of the in-ground infrastructure of the pool, Councillors will consider these proposals and whether to allocate funds.